Ascomycota, genera » Ascomycota, incertae sedis » Dwayalomella

Dwayalomella vaccinii

Dwayalomella vaccinii Brisson, Piroz. & Pauzé, Can. J. Bot. 53(23): 2867 (1975)



Isolated in culture from stems of Vaccinium angustifolium (Ericaceae). Sexual morph: undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 200–300 µm diam., 100–250 µm high, dark brown to black, seemingly sporodochial, reportedly acervular, rounded to oval, containing numerous minute conidiomata in concentric zonations, mostly gregarious, sometimes solitary, multilocular, setose. Conidiomatal wall 40–100 μm wide, composed of thick-walled, pale brown cells of textura intricata to textura angularis at base, becoming thick-walled, brown cells of textura angularis to textura porrecta toward upper zone. Conidiomatal setae 80–150×2–5 μm wide, dark brown below, becoming brown above, marginal, subulate, erect, unbranched, 1-septate only at the base, smooth-walled. Conidiophores hyaline, cylindrical to subcylindrical, branched, septate, arising from the upper layer of cells of the basal stroma. Conidiogenous cells 10–20 × 1.5–3 µm, hyaline, enteroblastic, phialidic, cylindrical to subcylindrical, straight or slightly curved, discrete or integrated, indeterminate, smooth-walled. Conidia 7–12×1–3 µm (x̄ =9×2 µm; n=30), hyaline, cylindrical, rounded at both ends, but with a protuberant base, 1-septate in the median part, sometimes unicellular, smooth-walled and occasionally slightly constricted at the septum, guttulate, bearing appendages at both ends; apical appendages 6–11 (x̄ =9) µm long, 13, tubular. divergent, fliform, fexuous, arising from the apical or subapical zone of conidia; basal appendages 4–7 (x̄ =5.6) µm long, 23, tubular, unbranched, fliform, fexuous. Material examined: Canada, Quebec, Chicoutimi Co., St-Leon-de-Labrecque (48°41′, 71°31′), isolated in culture from stems of Vaccinium angustifolium (Ericaceae), 21 May 1971, J. D. Brisson & R. Brousseau (DAOM 147569, holotype).


Dwayalomella vaccinii (DAOM 147569, holotype) a–c Herbarium specimen. d–f Appearance of dark brown to black conidiomata on culture and stems of Vaccinium angustifolium. g–h Vertical section of conidiomata. i–k, n–o Conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and developing conidia. l Section of peridium. m, p Setae. q–u Conidia (u is in 10% KOH and India ink). Scale bars d–h=200 µm, i–k, n–o=10 µm, l–m, p=20 µm, q–u=5 µm.






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