Scaphidium Clem., Bot. Surv. Nebraska 5: 5 (1901)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 07585
Ascomycota, genera incertae sedis
Parasitic on the host plant in terrestrial habitat. Sexual morph: undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata black, pycnidial, solitary to gregarious, immersed to semi-immersed, globose to subglobose, unilocular, glabrous. Ostiole single, circular, centrally located. Conidiomatal wall composed of thick-walled, dark brown cells of textura angularis in the exterior, becoming paler towards the hymenium. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, enteroblastic, annellidic, cylindrical to lageniform, determinate, smooth-walled, proliferating percurrently with up to four annellations. Conidia hyaline, fusiform, with rounded apex and truncate base, 1-septate, smooth-walled, eguttulate (adapted from Sutton 1980).
Type species: Scaphidium boutelouae Clem., Bot. Surv. Nebraska 5: 5 (1901)
Notes: The conidia of Scaphidium were described as yellow, fusiform-obclavate, curved, and 1-septate by Sprague (1950). Sutton (1980) revised the genus and described the conidia as hyaline, fusiform, with a rounded apex and truncate base, and 1-septate. Scaphidium shares similar form of conidiomta and conidia, as well as habit with Diplozythiella. Both genera can cause lesions on leaves, such as S. boutelouae produces linear brown or grey lesions with brown borders on Bouteloua curtipendula (Poaceae), while Diplozythiella bambusina was associated with Bambusa (Sprague 1950, Sutton 1980). Scaphidium was separated from Diplozythiella by its annellidic conidiogenous cells. Scaphidium is monotypic, and no molecular data is available. Fresh collection of the type is needed to place it in a natural group.
Distribution: USA (Sutton 1980).
Scaphidium boutelouae (redrawn from Sutton 1980) a Vertical section of conidioma. b Conidiogenous cells and developing conidia. c Conidia.
Li WJ, McKenZie EHC, Liu JK, Bhat DJ, Dai DQ, Caporesi E, Tian Q, Maharachcikumbura SSN, Luo ZL, Shang QJ, Zhang JF, Tangthirasunun N, Karunarathna SC, Xu JC, Hyde KD (2020) Taxonomy and phylogeny of hyaline-spored coelomycetes. Fungal Diversity 100: pages279–801.
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