Keissleriella quadriseptata
Keissleriella quadriseptata Kaz. Tanaka & K. Hiray., in Tanaka et al., Stud. Mycol. 82: 96 (2015)
Saprobic on dead stem of Ammophila arenaria. Sexual morph: see Tanaka et al. (2015), Asexual morph: Conidiomata 150–300 μm diam., 200–400 μm high, dark brown to black, pycnidial, solitary, semi-immersed, globose in section view, unilocular, ostiolate. Ostiole 60–90 μm long, 50–75 μm wide, papillate, centrally located. Conidiomatal wall 10–25 μm wide, composed of dark brown to hyaline cells of textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, lageniform. Conidia 25–32 × 6–8.5 μm (= 28.4 × 7.2 μm, n = 30), hyaline to brown with age, cylindrical, with rounded apex, slightly truncate at base, straight, 0–1-septate, smooth-walled (re-described from Tanaka et al. (2015). Spermatogonia 100–140 µm diam., 150–200 µm high, dark brown to black, pycnidial, solitary to gregarious, globose to subglobose, immersed to semi-immersed, unilocular, glabrous, ostiolate. Ostiole single, papillate, circular, centrally located. Wall 20–30 µm wide, composed of thick-walled, dark brown cells of textura angularis in the exterior, becoming hyaline cells towards conidial hymenium. Spermatophores arising all around the cavity of the conidiomata, hyaline, cylindrical, branched at the base and above, septate, smooth-walled. Spermatogenous cells 5–7 × 3–5 µm, hyaline, enteroblastic, phialidic, cylindrical to lageniform, integrated or discrete, determinate, smooth-walled, with periclinal wall thickenings at the collarette zone, with terminal apertures or lateral apertures formed from subtending cells of conidiophores immediately below the transverse septa. Spermatia 3–4 × 2–3 µm (= 3.5 × 2.5 µm; n = 30), hyaline, cylindrical to oblong, aseptate, guttulate, smooth-walled.
Material examined: Italy, Province of Ravenna, Lido di Dante, on dead aerial stems of Ammophila arenaria (Poaceae), 27 January 2015, Erio Camporesi, IT2355 (MFLU 19-2871), living culture MFLUCC 15-0131 = ICMP 21845 = KUMCC 15-0585, (KUN, HKAS 101689).
Notes: Phylogenetic tree reconstruction based on LSU, SSU, ITS, tef1 sequence dataset shows that strain MFLUCC 15-0131/IT2355 is close to K. quadriseptata. The sequence similarities between MFLUCC 15-0131/IT2355 and K. quadriseptata (KT 2292) are 99% (847/850) in LSU, 99% (492/496) in ITS, 99% (1017/1028) in SSU, and 98% (903/924) in tef1. Our strain has hyaline, cylindrical to oblong, aseptate, guttulate spermatia which is similar to these of spermatial morph in K. gloeospora and K. taminensis (Tanaka et al. (2015)
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