Pseudorobillarda magna
Pseudorobillarda magna Bianchin., Mycol. Res. 101(10): 1233 (1997)
Facesoffungi number: FoF 07563
Saprobic on dead branches of Cornus sanguinea. Sexual morph: undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 160–220 µm diam., 130–200 µm high, dark brown, pycnidial, separate to gregarous, immersed to semi-immersed, globose, unilocular, glabrous, thick-walled, ostiolate. Ostiole 15–50 × 20–60 µm, single, circular, centrally located, filled with hyaline, short, cylindrical periphyses. Conidiomatal wall 20–50 µm wide, composed of brown to hyaline, thick-walled cells of texura angularis. Paraphyses 20–60 × 1–2 µm, hyaline, subcylindrical, broader at the base, septate, branched or unbranched, smooth and thick-walled, hyphae-like, originating from the inner wall layer cells of basal and lateral wall. Conidiophores formed from inner wall layer of most part of conidiomata, except ostiolar region. Conidiogenous cells 3–7 × 2–2.5 µm, hyaline, enteroblastic, annellidic, cylindrical, smooth-walled, with periclinal thickenings on wall towards apex, or occasionally 1–2 times percurrently proliferating. Conidia 22–28 × 3–5 µm ( = 25 × 4.5 µm; n = 50), hyaline, fusiform, narrowed above, blunt at the base, straight or slight curved, mostly 3-septate, occasionally 1-septate, slightly constricted, smooth-walled, guttulate, bearing 5–6 unbranched, filiform, flexuous apical appendages (17–26 µm long).
Culture characters: Colonies on PDA, reaching 10–20 mm diam. after 4 weeks at 20–25°C, white at the beginning, become light brown in the middle zone, white to pale grey at the margin with age, flattened, with velutinous, flexuous aerial mycelium on the surface, margin undulate, reverse brown.
Material examined: Italy, Province of Forlì-Cesena, near Corniolo, on dead aerial branches of Cornus sanguinea (Cornaceae), 8 September 2015, Erio Camporesi, IT2601 (KUN, HKAS 93638), living culture KUMCC 15-0633.
Notes: Our collection clusters to P. phragmitis (CBS 398.61, CBS 842.84), but with low support. Morphologically, it is similar to P. magna in having 1–3-septate conidia with up 5 apical appendages. Moreover, it shares similar conidial dimensions with P. magna (23–30 × 5–6.5 µm ( = 27 × 5.4). Pseudorobillarda magna has been recorded from Geoffroea decorticans (Fabaceae) in Argentina, thus our collection is considered as a new record from Italy.
Pseudorobillarda magna (HKAS 93638) a Herbarium package and specimen. b, c Appearance of black coniodiomata on the host. d Vertical section of conidioma. e Ostiole. f Section of peridium. g–i Conidiogenous cells, developing conidia and paraphyses. j–m Conidia. Scale bars d = 50 µm, e = 20 µm, f–m= 10 µm.
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